Love in Action

Thank You!

Because of the many restrictions that continue here in Uganda during this pandemic, people aren’t able to make money the way they used to. Many people here make small amounts of money in a day that will put some food in their family’s bellies. The harsh reality of people starving is becoming more real each day. Because of your donations, many people are able to survive. In the last 3 months, we’ve made 3 very large deliveries to 600+ people. Some of these people hadn’t eaten in days.

With schools still being closed, many families struggle with having all their kids home.  Many depended on the schools to feed their children that one meal a day.  We will continue to help all that we can.  With the most common and affordable form of transportation being banned (motorcycle taxis), people aren’t able to get around easily.  Many people aren’t able to get to work and people who are HIV+ aren’t able to get to a clinic to get lifesaving medications.  We continue to look for ways to help these people as well.

Manna Rescue Home Garden

At Manna Rescue Home, this past week, we have hired an expert in gardening to develop a plan to grow as much food as possible on our small compound. Income from our hostel used to provide funds to run our home but without tourism we are thinking of other ways to be more self-sustaining.

We also hope to visit many homes of families who have some land to see if we can help them increase their capacity and grow more food. Unfortunately we are in the start of the dry season and unless people live near a water source they cannot plant until early August. Other families live in congested areas with no place to grow anything. We hope to continue helping them with food while waiting for conditions to improve.

As I close this update with thoughts of what is happening worldwide I consider the beauty of each new morning and the hope, joy, and peace of God fills me up.  Joshua 1:9 says it well.

“Be strong and of good courage, be not frightened, neither be dismayed; for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” 

We don’t know the future but God is with us as we continue in faith.

Peace and love to all,
