Emergency Food Distribution


I am so grateful for the outpouring of love and support we have felt during this time to help us provide so many vulnerable families with food! There have been generous donations from within Uganda as well as outside donations. This video shows some of the food supply we were recently able to purchase and my staff have been working countless hours distributing it to the most vulnerable in our community.

We have received many requests from people we have supported in the past and after looking at our records there are over 60 households, which have an average of 7 people each (about 420 people), that will be in danger of starvation. These people have no land at all and can not grow any food. Being locked in they can’t get the small daily money they used to survive on. Some of these families are child headed and some are disabled.

A couple of weeks ago we had a group of young men and women, who have gone through the YES program, donate large amounts of food and other daily needs to manage the Manna Rescue Home,  as well as a head teacher of a boarding school, who brought in large amounts of tomatoes and other vegetables that she had actually gone into the garden and harvested. Others in the community have donated food from their gardens as well. Even with everyone in the world facing this huge challenge from this pandemic, the generosity has been heart warming. There are not enough words to express my huge gratitude.

If you would like to help us continue this emergency outreach to people in our community please give here.