Emergency Relief

Uganda is suffering. We’ve been in a lock down for about a month now and people are getting desperate. Many people have visited my office asking for food and we’ve been able to help those needs. The lockdown has been very difficult for many whose daily support came from small shops, teachers, and taxi drivers because of the restrictions and curfews. This includes very many families from our YES program. Our families who are out of the town and have land are managing but others have been suffering and not knowing where the next meal might come from.

We have identified the most vulnerable families and have been delivering packages of food that should help them for at least a month. We are so grateful for so many very generous donors who have made this work possible.

Manna Rescue Home

The kids at the Manna Rescue Home are all doing very well and have been working in their small gardens as well as doing crafts and art. We are also grateful for the generosity of so many people who help us care for these beautiful kids. The government ministry visited the home recently to see how things are being handled in this pandemic and they were very happy with what they found.

The three of us here at the office all have July birthdays so we all celebrated together with a cake I made.  Geoffrey and Bright continue to work hard in the field and office and I am so thankful for them!

Thank you so much for continuing to help us support the needs of our community here in Uganda during these very difficult times.