Looking forward to 2016

Hello Everyone,

I hope that each one of you reading this has had a wonderful Christmas celebration with family and friends.  Christmas 2015 is now past and the year 2016 is coming very soon!

In YES we have been quite busy leading into Christmas. Thanks to some very generous people we have bought some food for some of our most needed families as well as new clothes for a child headed family. We also got that family some firewood to cook with as well as some food. Here without firewood people have no way to cook which is hard to even imagine back in the developed world.

We also had our staff Christmas party and now they have all traveled to family homes, some near and others quite far. The program will start back on January 4th.

I personally had a quiet Christmas day which consisted of a nice church service, relaxing, reading and listening to music. After the hectic rush I very much enjoyed some down time to just recoup, pray and remember so many of you wonderful friends around the world. I re-live trips and good times with the pictures on my computer.

I look forward to 2016 with anticipation of many new things and visits from friends. I especially am excited about the West family who are coming here to assist in the program that just continues to grow. I am also looking forward to meeting our new teacher Deanna who will be coming for the 2016 school year to teach our kids at the Manna Rescue Home.

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As we head to 2016 I am thankful that God holds us all in the palm of his hand and I know that He continues to lead and guide us in our lives.

May you all feel God’s love and have a safe and wonderful new year!
