Program Updates

Our rainy season has been strong and our program to help families get stronger with better agriculture has been in full swing. We work with a German organization, Whelthungerhilfe, that has been a huge contributor towards the agricultural part of our program.

distributing garen tools watering cans

We are helping over 300 families who are given seeds and gardening tools for planting food in order to improve their food security. They are also trained in groups about proper planting and growing techniques and they often work together with each other. Most of the families are headed by women as so many have lost husbands to AIDS and their families are in extreme need. You can see here the state of a couple of their houses.

women meeting

Women learning about agriculture.

Education on planting and growing techniques

Education on planting and growing techniques


Planting crops

Planting crops

A home of a family who has been struggling to cope with poverty. With increased food security - hope for a better future.

A home of a family who has been struggling to cope with poverty. With increased food security – hope for a better future.

The home of another family who will receive tools and gardening supplies to support themselves.

The home of another family who will receive tools and gardening supplies to support themselves.

Our biggest problem during the rainy season is trying to deliver supplies and drive out to meet people for training. The roads are in very bad shape during the rainy seasons.

Not a river, but the state of a road in the rainy season!

Not a river, but the state of a road in the rainy season!

All of the children in the school support program have been on first term break and are doing well. Second term begins in a week so we are busy in the office. The 300-some children attend 63 different schools and fees need to be paid to all of them each of the three terms in a year. Never a dull moment!