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Sponsor A Child from YES Uganda!
Come and make a difference in someone else’s life. 'Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.' - Philippians 2:4
Information about YES Uganda

Sponsor a Child in Uganda
With your generous support, we will be able to expand our scholarship program and provide more children with the opportunity to learn.
Sponsor one child for a year: $40/month £32/month ($480/£376 annual sponsorship)
Give a one-time gift to cover tuition, uniforms, books, and other supplies needed to support the students.

What to expect when you are sponsoring a child:
A personal letter to you every term (3 times a year)
Reports from school every term to see how the child is doing academically (3 times a year)
A photo of the child every year with an update on their progress
The opportunity to write to the child, sharing updates about your life and fostering an amazing relationship with someone from a different culture.

How Does YES Uganda Work
We have many different children who are part of the YES Uganda Family. We receive notifications from family members, neighbors, friends, and social workers about children in extreme poverty or dire situations.We then send a team from YES, including trained social worker, to assess the family.
We accept children onto our program before having a space available and then line up the right child with the right sponsor (this is all done by the grace of God).
Unsponsored children on the YES Uganda Program
Here are some of the children in our programs who are not yet sponsored! Please enjoy reading about their stories.
(Child protection note: the names provided are not the children’s real names, but if you wish to sponsor them, we will provide you with the child’s real name).
Click on a photo to discover more information and explore the child's story.

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